Friday, June 16, 2006

Do You Believe in Blog?

“I don’t read blogs. People I know don’t read blogs. I don’t think blogs mean that much. Or probably I’m just too old for that.”
(President Director of one of the biggest pharmaceutical manufacturer; an informal conversation during networking events)

Mavericks read blogs. Furthermore, we believe in blogs.

That’s the reason why we decided to go blogging at the first place. Though some corporation people are still skeptical about blogs, the trend keeps emerging.

Hermawan Kartajaya, the marketing guru, has his own blog. So does Al Ries and Laura Ries, the author of The Fall of Advertising and The Rise of PR. Even Business Week has published a long article (the article looks like blog postings) explaining why you must start blogging now. Moreover, this reputable business magazine has also launched their own blog called

NIKE, a well-known brand in the world, have tried a new medium for their advertising and marketing communications. Yes, a blog! Cooperating with Gawker Media, a small company that operates blogs about culture and politics, Nike-Gawker launched their ad-blog: Art of Speed. Through this blog, Nike showcased the work of 15 talented young filmmakers commissioned to interpret the idea of speed—and The New York Times carry the news.

Of course, not all blog are worth reading. But if you could find blogs written by opinion leaders, who use them to talk directly to your public, you will find it amazingly interesting and beneficial for you. And there's a plethora of blogs on the blogosphere that are unique and even surprising!

If your company produce syrup spoon or baking pan, you should monitor this blog: Natural Cooking Club. It is a blog for those who loves cooking and shopping for cooking utensils. The blog members have their own 'baking-pan hunt' during weekends, and they even went to Japan in search of spatula, kettle, and other kitchenware. In this blog, they discuss enamelware as if they were gossiping about the famous Hope diamond.

PostSecret is a gallery-blog that touches those who read it, creates hysteria, and captures media attention instantly. This blog has been featured in several media all around the world, including Indonesia (Media Indonesia). The blog encourages people to submit a postcard anonymously to a specific PO BOX number, with their deepest secret written on it. Regularly, the moderator scans and publishes several selected postcards—sharing these secrets to the whole world while creating an irresistible buzz.

Hey, what about you? Do you have your own peculiar blog? Or have you heard of some?

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