Friday, December 01, 2006

A Not Surprise Birthday Party for Ira Koesno

What happened if a surprise birthday party turned out to be a not surprise birthday party at all?

Well, I guess, the birthday girl should just pretend to be surprised to satisfy the guests.

This scene happened in Ira Koesno’s birthday party last night. Some of her friends organized the supposed-to-be-a-surprise-birthday-party at Romeo CafĂ©, Automall. Numbers of people were there, including IKComm’s clients, journalists, communications practitioners, etc. They were all waiting for the birthday lady, hoping to see her expressions when she entered the venue.

But then, when she got in to the place, she didn’t look surprise at all! Apparently, she said, “Someone sent me sms asking about this party! Hahaha…”.
Ooowwhhh.. who’s that clumsy guy?? But then, Ira said, “However, I’m still surprised as I didn’t expect that there would be so many people attending this party. Thank you so much everyone..”.

After she blew all the candles on her birthday cake (there were thirty something candles.. am not gonna write it here, Ira, don’t worry! Hehe..), the organizer presented a video showing some pictures of Ira when she was a little girl until she became a famous TV presenter then started her own company together with two of her best friends.

It was a fun party. There were some fun games and lots of doorprizes. Even I got two presents from winning a doorprize and “being forced” to participate in a “dangdut” dancing game! Hahaha..

Well, happy birthday, Ira Koesno! All the best for you and keep shining, girl!

Ps: You have one year to practice on your act: pretend to be surprised in case there will be another surprise birthday party for you next year! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nila Tanzil yang terhormat,
Hai Nila Tanzil, apa kabar ? Anda sosok wanita karir sejati ya, sungguh luar biasa. Pergaulan internasional, wuih....
Sebagai laki-laki saya sangat iri padamu, tak mampu seperti kamu.
Apakah Nila alergi pada Bahasa Indonesia ? Maaf bahasa Inggris saya jelek sekali. Jadi saya gunakan Bahasa Indonesia saja untuk menyampaikannya padamu.
Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya beberapa kali mengirim email ke Ira Koesno via ira koesno production email. Sayang sekali, tak pernah mendapat jawaban. Saya sedang mencoba menawarkan apa ya namanya..yah semacam proposal usaha agar Ira mau melakukan diversifikasi usaha dan membiayai proposal saya. Apakah Nila memiliki nomor telpon atau nomor HP Ira Koesno ? Kalau ada, bolehkah saya memintanya dari anda ?
Silahkan Nila minta izin dulu dari Ira Koesno. Kalau tidak mau ya sudah .....
Apa barangkali Nila Tanzil bersedia membiayai proposal saya ? Kira-kira semacam peluncuran sebuah situs di internet. Nila tertarik ?

Ira Koesno terlihat sangat kurus sekarang ya ? Dan terlihat sangat tua. Sibuk sekali rupanya ya..

Mohon Nila Tanzil mau menghubungi saya di 08157949827

Nuryadi W